Bud’s 100th Birthday!
On July 10th 2021 our friend Bud Carrol turned 100 years old! I missed seeing him and his family when they came into the café that day. Let me tell you a little about our friend and this incredible local veteran. Leo “Bud” Carroll Jr. first came into Café B-29 on his 97th birthday on July 10th 2018. He was our first actual WWII B-29 pilot. He was with his daughter Ann and grandson Brian Rhea. We gave him part of a real antique B-29 instrument panel as a gift that day. Bud won us over with the best advise ever given to our young cook Lance Forrester who was getting prepared to go into the Air Force. I introduced Bud to Lance and asked Bud to give 18 year old Lance some words of wisdom for his air force career. Bud without missing a beat looked at Lance and said “Always remember to put your landing gear down”! It was a classic moment and I’ll never forget it! The next year on July 10th 2019 Bud and his family came in for his 98th birthday and it was a great day. Bud again was able to give a young cook named Bailey Davis words of wisdom as well. Bailey was undecided yet on what branch he wanted to go into. Bud looked at Bailey and said “forget the rest and go the best, Air Force”! On that day when Bud turned 98 he saluted before he blew out his candle and was in deep thought. When his daughter Ann asked her dad if he made a wish he replied “Yes I did, my wish is to be right here in 2 years when I turn 100!” I’m in tears thinking about that day and the fact that I missed seeing Leo on his 100th birthday but my heart is smiling because our friends wish came true and how honored are we that he came in to our little café on such a glorious birthday! Happy Birthday Bud from the Café B-29 crew!